Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Scary Moments in Resident Evil 4

The Resident Evil series has become a bit of a controversy in recent years. RE6 met with mixed reception, and having watched a playthrough of the whole thing, I can see how it might pull more from Gears of War than it does classic Resident Evil. (Actually, the play-style of Gears of War was inspired by the over-the-shoulder setup of Resident Evil 4, so it's like coming full circle.) Many old RE fans are saying the series is losing its luster, and perhaps that's true. The genre is classified as "survival horror," but with plenty of resources and too few scares, neither of those words may be correct.
    In truth, the most I've played of Resident Evil has been half of 5, the demo of Revelations, and recently, all of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition. Yeah, I'm a late bloomer. Most of the PlayStation games we owned were the old crappy ones nobody knows about. Metal Gear Solid? Final Fantasy VII? No, say hello to Sorcerer's Maze and Roadsters. Never heard of them? I didn't think so.
    RE4 is the first full Resident Evil game I've played, and I've been impressed with it. One thing that struck me while playing is that, in spite of its more action-oriented approach, the game is still downright terrifying at parts. These moments didn't constitute the entire game, but they made me aware that RE games can still use action-based, intuitive control schemes and be scary.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Game Poll Second Update

The official second wave of Game Poll content is here, so be sure to give it a look and remember that article comments can only be posted here; polls have their own built-in comment systems and discussion pieces have comment boxes below them.