Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Anticipation for the Wii U

As many of you are probably aware, Nintendo's newest home console, the Wii U, is due to hit the market November 18th of this year. There's been a lot of hype and speculation over this alien artifact, but the time when all will be revealed is close approaching. Some have called it the Wii with a tablet, while others have called it a revolution (pun intended for the Nintendo-savvy) for the gaming industry.
    This article is merely my feelings on the Wii U, including what I'm looking forward to and what I'm leery about. I'll naturally want to know your views on it as well, so feel free to click the Comment button below the article when you're done.

Game Poll Intro Content

Game Poll already has fifteen poll questions, three articles, and three discussion pieces for you to chew on while waiting for the next update. The only features with no direct commenting option are the articles, in which you'll currently need to leave comments on this post in order to share your opinion. Be sure to give them a look!