Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Game Poll Intro Content

Game Poll already has fifteen poll questions, three articles, and three discussion pieces for you to chew on while waiting for the next update. The only features with no direct commenting option are the articles, in which you'll currently need to leave comments on this post in order to share your opinion. Be sure to give them a look!

New Zelda Polls:
Poll 1: A Modern-Day Zelda
Poll 2: Doing Other Genres
Poll 3: Other Genre Types
Poll 4: First-person Zelda
Poll 5: Adventure Pouch
Poll 6: Hint System
Poll 7: Bank
Poll 8: Another 2D Zelda
Poll 9: Zelda MMORPG
Poll 10: Danger Music
Poll 11: 2D Into 3D
Poll 12: Link's Love Life
Poll 13: Pets
Poll 14: Skyward Sword Tribes
Poll 15: Female Link

New Zelda Articles:
Article 1: Experimentation vs. Improvement. Game developers balance experimenting with new game ideas to improving on their already-existing content. Where is The Legend of Zelda in this balance, and what should it ideally strive for?
Article 2: The Core of Zelda. Many things are considered to define Zelda, but one thing will always lie at its core. I believe a franchise's greatness can only be idealized by highlighting its core, so identifying the core in Zelda is imperative.
Article 3: Light vs. Dark. Zelda games have oscillated between lighter stories and more tragic tales, and while both have their advantages, what approach is best for Zelda?

New Zelda Discussion Pieces:
DLC: If The Legend of Zelda utilized DLC, what would you want most out if it? Do you think it would be a good idea at all?
Fishing: In which Zelda game did you enjoy fishing the most? What would you like to see out of it in the future?
Partners: Who was the most helpful Legend of Zelda partner? Who did you like the most?

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